Terms of Service

All commissions listed are for non-commercial personal use. Unless otherwise negotiated, commercial use is prohibited.Payment is due after the initial sketch is approved. 50% of total price is nonrefundable after an approved sketch. Refunds after that point will be proportional to work completed.I reserve the right to deny or cancel commissions for any reason.Using my work to express bigoted beliefs, scam others, or otherwise cause harm is expressly forbidden and will result in being blocked and reported to relevant channels.Feeding my work into AI as part of a training model, or using AI to "complete" or alter a piece is expressly forbidden and will result in a block, as well as any WIP commissions being cancelled without refund.My work is not and will not ever be affiliated with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or related technologies. My work may not be minted or placed onto blockchains.Unless otherwise negotiated, I have the right to post commissioned work on my social media and use it to promote myself.